My name is Oana and welcome to my blog 🙂
My belief is that what we are is influenced by where we have traveled in the world. I don’t identify myself as a [metaslider id=1919]writer (words don’t come easily to me) but, I’ve always been a traveler and I love it so much. I was lucky enough to receive the opportunity to travel from a young age on family road trips to what seemed, at the time, distant places. But, lately, my life became focused on ‘adult’ worries we all know: careers, mortgages, and bills.
I’m not affluent (unfortunately). I haven’t yet won the lottery (unfortunately). I have a profession that keeps me 8 h at one desk (unfortunately).
Then why blog? It’s home for my adventure stories. I’ll share photos, video, and stories from the places I visit and the cultures I explore.
At this point, I have covered 54 countries, most of which I’ve explored in details. Over the years I have spent more than 6 years in Moscow, 5 years in Bratislava and a few months in Prague.

Follow me on social media and subscribe to the mailing list below :). We can share stories & ideas, collaborate & communicate and I’ll keep you up to date on all the latest content, stories and tips from Romania and around the world!